Yamaha ATV

All terrain vehicles are exactly what they are. They are for all seasons. People run these all throughout the year in Michigan and that is somewhat normal. I am especially seriously concerned with how some of these vehicles are used. The town I live in likes to flirt with danger. We have one lake in the middle of town that is the hub of all activity. In the summer time you will be hard pressed to find any cops on the street. Most of them are patrolling this little lake. Seriously, most of the cities crimes are performed in and around it.

In the winter time the fun begins. People drive their big Yamaha ATV's right on the lake. Others bring their big Ford pick up trucks on the ice and attempt to drive across the entire lake. Meanwhile, you have snowmobiles all over the place almost colliding. To make things even more dangerous you have good ol boys cooking up big raging bonfires on the frozen lake doing a little ice fishing. Is it any wonder that people sometimes don't make it home? These are people dying to have a good time - literally. For me, I find the whole thing very frightening. I have no idea what the big deal is. People try to live as extreme as possible and when you add alcohol into the mix. This is extreme living at its best.

In the summer time you have jet skis, water craft airplanes coming in at crash landings, and people floating around on rubber tubes. Again, there are tragic accidents that happen as jet ski's collide into people, boats, and small animals that swim on the minute public beach. Walled Lake is one congested playground and it is a dangerous one.

Should you ever visit the backwoods of Novi, Michigan you should stop by and check out the festivities. I stay away from this place. In fact, I always keep my feet on the ground. I am too afraid to grab an ATV and drive it on the ice. I never jump on a jet ski and try to keep up with the chaos. Perhaps its because I am afraid of accidents. Maybe its because I do not have enough insurance for that kind of play. But most of all I am a much better spectator than that kind of daredevil. I appreciate the Yamaha ATV crowd but all in all, its not for me


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